Possibility of getting job

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    • #155873 Reply

      Hi JVS Rao sir,

      Thanks for replying on my previous post.

      I am unemployed for last 7 years approx. You gave me date April to Sept 2025.. this is very long delay. Am I destined to suffer this long.

    • #155878 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Ritesh

      Thank for your reply. Please understand we are all under the influence of planets. I explained my views only. It is the God’s will to give you. No one can dodge the fate. Astrology is a part of advice. If you get a job in the meanwhile, I will be happy. I also wish you at the earliest.

      JVS Rao (KP astrologer)


    • #155880 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Ritesh

      If any other astrologer in our forum or outside advise you any remedy to get a job in the earliest possible, I too feel happy, even if I go wrong. I like very much, younger people like you should always be happy.

      JVS Rao

    • #155882 Reply

      Actually I was appearing in competitive exams. Failed in all attempts. Before that I was working in an MNC. I am really having a terrible time

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