Will I able to clear UPSC?

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    • #159187 Reply

      name- Devashish

      birth date- 6th may 2000(06/05/2000)

      time-7.30 am

      place- buldhana,maharashtra

      Will I able to clear UPSC?

    • #159213 Reply


      It would help if you could kindly provide some background (academic, family, financial etc.) and set the context to this aspiration.

      Just so you are aware, you are in the last quarter of Rahu Maha-Dasha and I’m inclined to think you might be consider this option under the influence of Rahu.

      Take care…

    • #159217 Reply


      Yes. You can clear govt. competitive exams in the current dasa of Rahu.

    • #159220 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Devashish

      Your lagna is in Taurus at 17° 14′ 5″. The co-rulers are Venus-Moon-Saturn. Moon, Saturn combination gives you the habit of postpone things and repeated efforts.. Saturn signifies 11th house (success) and 6th house(success in competitive exams) through his star lord Venus, but 8th house (tensions) and 12th house (hard work) through his sub lord Ketu. So your nature is to try to do work in a later date. For UPSC examinations you have to plan and work hard, until you get success. But finally success will be with you. Don’t loose heart.

      For a job we have to see 10th house. 10th cusp sub lord Venus is in 11th house. But it is signifying 8th house (through Ketu in 8th house) and 11th house (through his sub lord Mercury in 12th house). You will get success in your examinations finally.

      Current period is of Rahu. Rahu is in 2nd house (finance). Rahu is signifying 10th house and 11th house. So you will get a job definitely. Venus and Sun Bhuktis are also favourable.  The periods are upto 30-7-2026. So during this period you will get a Government job. You will get a success in UPSC examination.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

    • #159234 Reply


      Quite frankly, I’ve been a bit skeptical of your chances purely based on my understanding of your birth-chart and current MAha-Dasha lord Rahu’s inclination or disposition – not to mention Rahu’s relationship with upcoming Antara lords. Subsequent Maha-Dasha is that of Jupiter/Guru-dev lording the 8th & 11th houses…is not really benefic, along with Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. Further, Sun/Ravi being placed in the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses, where he is neither happy nor comfortable… Saturn/Shani-dev being placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation (despite Neecha-Bhanga). Last but not the least, Lagna Lord Venus/Shukra being placed in the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses and 12th lord being placed alongside Udaya Lagna is a major chart-spoiler.

      These were some of the reasons I wanted to hear and validate my understanding of birth-chart. That said, I’ll be more than happy and glad if my understanding turns out to be wrong (would love to hear from you). In any case, it would make sense for you to put in a lot more effort (to prove my understanding to be wrong – I’d urge you consider this a challenge), if you are truly aspiring to crack/clear UPSC.

      Take care…

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