Navneet sir Career path confusion

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    • #40184 Reply

      Dob 13/10/1976
      Time 17.10 hrs
      Place Chennai

      My career path direction is not clear
      .Running (Sani dasa + Astana sani)
      Will clarity come soon on what type career to choose?
      (MBA mrktg now into writing articles)
      2.will I get married or be single
      (Am spiritually inclined)

    • #40198 Reply

      You can continue Mktg. You will be married too. 2020 will give you the answer. Have a look at your planetary strengths.Your Saturn Mahadasa has started in late 2017 and you will not have to look back for 19 years. Why?

      Planet Net Strength Nature

      Sun 26.76 Malefic
      Moon 50.98 Benefic
      Mars 55.73 Malefic
      Mercury 51.27 Benefic
      Jupiter 37.82 Benefic
      Venus 22.63 Malefic
      Saturn 73.52 Benefic
      Rahu 59.08 Malefic
      Kethu 58.40 Malefic

      Net 48.57 Malefic

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