Still unmarried

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  • Author
    • #40929 Reply
      Uttam Kumar

      DOB 02.05.1984
      Time- 19:57:00
      Place – Raniganj, West Bengal
      (25N52, 87E53)
      Question: still unmarried, when will i get married.

    • #40946 Reply

      It is up to you to take decision when you should get married and the ripe time has come. If so when you go out, the girls will will come across you on her own.

    • #40987 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      Your marriage is already delayed.
      Instead of waiting for marriage date,
      do some things positively in your life
      to change the negativity in your horoscope.
      YOu must have understood by this time,that
      there is something wronng with your horoscope.
      Do penance for one or two years..Dont stop penance
      even after getting married.Penance will bring
      a qualitative change in your life.It may bring
      you good alliance.But you cant ask guaranty.
      It all depends on the dedication and commitment
      you put in.
      Please read the articles on penance in the
      following link.

      [email protected]

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