navneetji career

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    • #5621 Reply
      Priyanka B

      Hi Navneetji,

      As posted earlier, i had an inquiry related to my MCAT and medical college placement. I am wondering whether i will get admission in california ( i took test on 21 august and get result 23 september). dob: 10 jan 1988; 1530; chicago.


    • #5622 Reply
      Priyanka B

      as per horary number 121 or 110? I’m not sure

    • #5623 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Give me one Number only – that one that strikes your mind immediately. Else you will get mixed results. Horary is based upon pure instinct of the person who asked the question.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #5629 Reply

      Okay 132

    • #5634 Reply

      Your planetary dispositions are as follows :

      Planet Residential Strength Good % Bad% Nature

      Sun 11.32 21.25 49.61 Malefic
      Moon 83.74 41.42 49.77 Malefic
      Mars 66.30 42.18 46.33 Malefic
      Mercury 63.68 38.62 61.38 Malefic
      Jupiter 4.08 45.95 44.42 Benefic
      Venus 17.40 52.05 35.51 Benefic
      Saturn 33.58 33.00 27.48 Benefic
      Rahu 25.02 45.95 44.42 Benefic
      Kethu 25.02 38.62 61.38 Malefic

      Net 36.68

      I do not find any chances of your becoming a good doctor. At best you can be a good lab technician or similar vocation using chemicals or electronic instruments used in medical profession.

    • #5708 Reply
      Priyanka B

      Thank you, TMRsir, but I do have 2 schools at standing waiting to admit me. In terms of specialty, I am choosing anesthesiology,as it combines my passion for chemistry and servicing others.Life isn’t dictated my a digital calculation. My question was directed to Navneetji, as I have had earlier correspondences with him. My number is 132 and wanted to know whether I will have chance at admission in a california school.

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