Astrology Content Writing Job, Horoscope Writer

Astrology content writer

Astrology / Horoscope Writer

Navneet Khanna Astrologer

Dear Friends, myself, Astrologer Navneet Khanna. I’m a Professional Vedic Astrologer / Numerologist / Horoscope writer / Astrology Content Writer. I have more than 23 years of experience as an Astrology Content writer. I write content on different aspects of Astrology, Numerology, and Horoscopes.

Please check my Upwork  Profile where I have completed more than 4771 worked hours.

If you are looking for a freelance Astrology content writer to write different types of Astrology or Horoscope content for your Astrology / Numerology website or Android / IOS APPS, then please get in touch with me. Given below are some of the Astrology Content I have written in the past as an Upwork Freelancer.


Horoscope and Astrology Content Writer Job completed in the past:

  1. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Horoscopes –

I have written Daily horoscopes, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, and Yearly horoscopes based on your requirement. It can be general horoscopes or specific to certain aspects like Career, finance, family. I write two types of Horoscopes. The first is general horoscope predictions which do not necessarily include planetary movements as some readers do get confused by astrology terminology and hence I avoid writing astrology terminology but write accurate and genuine horoscopes.

Being an astrologer I also write horoscopes with planetary movements/transits. These horoscopes include planetary movements of the Day/ Week/ Month/ Year, depending upon your requirements. These Horoscopes are highly accurate and include aspects, transits etc. These horoscopes are written after reading the ephemeris of that period. I can write on both Vedic and Western transits.

  1. Zodiac Signs – Personality / Behavior Analysis –

Every Zodiac sign is different and I can tell that in a simple and uncomplicated way for your readers.

  1. Zodiac Signs – Compatibility –

If you are interested in Zodiac Signs compatibility then I can write detailed compatibility for all the Zodiac signs from Aries to Pisces.

  1. Birth Chart Analysis – 

If you have clients on your website and you need someone to do a birth chart analysis for them, then I can provide you with complete PDF / Word reports, which you can share with your clients. These can be General Analysis, Career Analysis, Relationship Analysis, Marriage Analysis, Health Analysis, Finance Analysis, and Horoscope Matching. These will not be software reports, so highly genuine and accurate. Although I do have a pattern that I follow when writing reports, I can also write reports in your pattern/template.

  1. Astrology / Numerology Forum comments – 

If you have an Astrology or Numerology Website / Blog and your visitors put comments and you have no time to answer. I do the same for you at nominal charges. Improve your social interaction with your customers by replying to them on their Astrology Queries and comments.

  1. Numerology Compatibility – 

Numbers are energy and your customers know that.  If you will like to have Numerology compatibility then I can write highly engaging numbers compatibility for you.

  1. Birth Day – Analysis and Forecast – 

Would you like to provide a brief Birthday analysis 200-400 words Birthday analysis for your website visitors? I write interesting content for your visitors for each day of the year for you to share on social media platforms.

8.  Numerology – Weekly, Monthly Analysis

Get Weekly, Monthly Numerology Analyses for your customers.

9. Write Predictions for Horoscope App

If you have an Astrology/ Numerology App then I can write complete content for you.

10. Games Results Content Writing

If you would like to have content for Facebook Games then I can write catchy content for you.

11. Transit Reading

If you want transit reading to your clients or your website I can write complete astrology predictions for you.

These are some of the Horoscope / Numerology/ Astrology Content that I write. If you have a specific requirement then you can let us know and we can discuss it in detail.


Please note that all Astrology and Horoscope content will be in English. It will be original and free from plagiarism.


Please write to Navneet Khanna at if you are interested in discussing more of the above services. You can also call me or whatsapp me on +91-9417884861.