7th house

7th house

7th house represents relationships, participation, marriage and business support. It controls how we interact with others at a personal and professional level, one of the most important homes in a birth chart. The planets kept here and 7th lord’s position defines the quality of relationships and partnership in life. Major Aspects of 7th House 1….

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Guru (Jupiter): The Teacher and Benefactor Among Navagrahs

Guru (Jupiter): The Teacher and Benefactor Among Navagrahs

Guru (Jupiter): The Teacher and Benefactor Among Navagrahas In Vedic astrology, Guru, also known as Jupiter, is one of the most auspicious and powerful of the Navagrahas (nine planets). It is known as the Devguru, or the gods’ teacher, and represents knowledge, wisdom, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Its loving and expansive energy has a significant…

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Ketu, The Mysterious Shadow Planet in Vedic Astrology

Ketu, The Mysterious Shadow Planet in Vedic Astrology

Ketu, one of the two lunar nodes, is a shadow planet in Vedic astrology with no physical substance, but its influence is significant. It symbolises detachment, spirituality, past-life karma, and the desire for freedom (moksha). Rahu (the North Node) represents material wants and worldly pursuits, whereas Ketu (the South Node) represents renunciation and the fundamental…

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Saturn as Navagraha: The Cosmic Judge of Karma and Discipline

Saturn as Navagraha: The Cosmic Judge of Karma and Discipline

Saturn, also known as Shani in Vedic astrology, is one of the Nav Grahas, or nine celestial planets that have a profound influence on human life and destiny. Saturn is a distinctive and valued member of the  , Nav Grahas commonly regarded as the cosmic disciplinarian and karma judge. Saturn’s significance in astrology is more…

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The Sun in Astrology: Illuminating your True Self and Life's Purpose

The Sun in Astrology: Illuminating your True Self and Life’s Purpose

In astrology, the Sun is frequently regarded as the most powerful force in the birth chart. The Sun, like its function in the physical universe as the centre of the solar system, represents the core of a person’s identity. It reflects your essence, vigour, and the driving force behind your life. The Sun’s location at…

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Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

Benefits of Choosing a Certified Yellow Sapphire Stone

Choosing a Certified Yellow Sapphire Stone – Benefits Among a vast array of colourful and enigmatic gemstones, yellow sapphire stands out as a symbol of prosperity, wisdom, and good fortune. Its vibrant hue and inherent positive energy make it a popular choice for jewellery enthusiasts and spiritual seekers. Throughout the history, yellow sapphires have been…

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