You are a Scorpio ascendant and Gemini moon sign.
You are currently under Jup-Mer period,Mercury is in the star of Sun and sub of Venus the 7th lord.your Sun is placed in star of Moon and Sub of Rahu with strong 7,11 combinations for marriage so during Jup-Mer-Sun period from 17/12/2017-17/01/2018 you will get married if this period is missed then the next moon pratyantar dasha from 27/01/2018-06/04/2018 is also great for marriage as Moon is in the star of Mars and sub of Mercury.
Chara Dasha analysis:
Your darakaraka is Moon and is placed in Libra in Navamsa so during Aries chara dasha you will get married which is from 30/09/2017-30/09/2018.So marriage is confirmed in this period.
Your husband will be mature,kind,caring and very career oriented.Your married life will be decent.
God Bless,
Astrologer Akash.