Astrology books

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    • #5918 Reply

      Dear Navneet sir, please suggest me best and authentic books on Gemstone astrology in hindi……………

    • #5922 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Sumit I’m not very sure on good books on Gemstones, actually have been looking for some myself, but not been able to locate. Most of the books that I have seen are about Gems from the Minerals that constitute the Gemstone and not from the purpose of Astrology. There are some books on Gemstones and Medical astrology but I have not been really impressed with the content. Maybe if you can find a decent book then you may also let me know.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #5934 Reply
      Manoranjan Prusty

      Dear Navneet Ji, there are many books on Gems and astrology. However, the book named “Gems and Astrology” written by Dr. G S Kapoor is very informative for a beginners.

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