malefic planet and debilitated planet difference in astrology

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    • #133911 Reply
      Manoj Sharma

      In astrology, a malefic planet is a planet that is believed to bring challenging or negative influences. The malefic planets are Mars, Saturn, and sometimes, according to some traditions, Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node).

      But according to some astrologers, a debilitated planet is a planet that is in its weakest position in the zodiac, where it may struggle to express its qualities effectively. Each planet has a specific sign in which it is considered debilitated. For example, Saturn is debilitated in the sign of Aries, while Jupiter is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn.

      The effects of a malefic planet and a debilitated planet are not necessarily the same. A malefic planet can bring challenging circumstances, obstacles, and delays in the area of life that it rules or influences in a natal chart or a horoscope. Malefic planets can also cause accidents, illnesses, and other difficulties.

      A debilitated planet, on the other hand, may not necessarily bring negative effects but can manifest as a struggle to express its natural qualities. For instance, a debilitated Mars in Cancer may indicate difficulty in asserting oneself or taking decisive actions, but it may not necessarily bring challenging circumstances or events.

      In summary, while a malefic planet can bring challenging influences, a debilitated planet may manifest as a struggle to express its qualities effectively.

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