Attension deficit and Hyperactive

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    • #138339 Reply

      My son  5 years and 6 months old. He is having attention deficit and hyperactive.

      DOB : 04 June 2018
      Time: 11:43 AM
      Place: Ghaziabad

      Started talking 6 months before. He speaks simple sentences with 5 to 6 words and sings songs & rhymes.

      But issue in paying attention to school work. Also he is hyperactive and not communicating with people and does not socialize with other kids.

      Please check his kundali and let me know the remedies for speech and ADHD.



    • #138341 Reply

      The child’s maternal uncle had a lot of trouble when the old family home was divided between the brothers a lot of emotional trouble and relations turned cold after that. Your father’s family side also had trouble over the family workplace property division.

      You, child’s father, must have trouble with your colleagues at your workplace during lunch hours the topic was related to workplace food and morals and after that, you guys never spoke

      Your father, the child’s grandfather had a habit of eating and taking some kind of drug intoxicant, smoking every day especially while working which eventually destroyed his teeth, and while eating he used abuse a lot. Though worked very hard and built his home on his own and with his efforts earned money and a lot of property, though destroyed it himself also.

      • #138371 Reply

        Your answer is more or less correct. But please tell me the remedies as well to overcome this problem.

        • #138373 Reply

          As for remedy– Sankrati is coming to donate white til laddu at Hanumanji temple (if possible it should be a siddhi teeth. And distribute to people, especially yogis sitting there. Do it every year and also after taking a bath take jaw take barley, white till, and good offer it to Mother Ganga. Then again distribute laddu to yogi there. Also, make sure you offer your sleepers to yogis there and come back without sleepers. Also, there is an old silver coin in the temple that lets them go in the river.

          Also on that day takes a dip in the river Ganga (the water is warm in the morning) gets water from there and adds it to his drinking water and bathing. Also, make in learning Kaal Bhairav Astakam since he is small let him hear it every day several times.

          Also let him join a sport, physical where he has to sweat a lot and apply oil massage especially to his head and knees otherwise at 6 he will get hurt in his knees. And every night before sleeping do a foot massage after washing his feet. And if possible go to river Ganga to take regular baths. And offer food to beggars and sweepers sitting outside the temple.


    • #138354 Reply


      Given birth-details place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in the Zodiac sign of Leo or Simha Rashi. Moon/Chandra, the 12th lord of Hospitalization/Medical Expenses is placed in the 6th house of Roga-Sthana in the Zodiac sign of Capricorn or Makara Rashi. He is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Shravana Nakshatra, ruled by himself. So, the child started his life in Moon/Chandra Maha-Dasha – as per Vimsottari Dasha system, until August 2019. Incidentally, Uccha or exalted Mars/Kuja (current Maha-Dasha lord) and Ketu are in close conjunction, while being posited in the same Lunar Constellation and caught in the Ketu-Rahu axis. This is contributing towards the child having excessive anger/temper and energy (having attention deficit and being Hyperactive)

      On the sidelines, Sade-Sathi or Roga-Karaka Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra at birth and early formative stage has not helped. The child is in the last phase of Sade-Sathi. Next Maha-Dasha is that of Rahu, who has below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga.

      Given the situation, it might not be a bad idea to consider seeking help and guidance from experienced and knowledgeable folk for suitable Vedic/Dharmic remedies, to calm down the child’s mind and keep him engaged in meaningful activities.

      Take care…

      • #138372 Reply

        Hi Buddy,

        Can you suggest me any vedic astrologer online?

        • #138461 Reply


          Online Vedic Astrologer for what? There are quite a few highly regarded ones…  TKC, who had responded to a query in the recent past, on this forum is one such.

          Take care…

    • #138457 Reply

      Adityaji &buddy ji pls reply my daydreaming question

      • #138462 Reply


        I relay on birth-details to understand planetary dispositions at date, time and place of birth, to understand the unfolding of Karma in one’s life. I can consider giving it a shot, if you can provide the requisite input/information.

        Take care…

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