Awaiting divorce

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    • #153843 Reply

      My date of birth is 10th sep 1977, time 7.00 pm evening, place ballia, UP.

      I am planning to file divorce. What are the chances of getting divorce ?

      I dont have wife’s chart as she is from another religion so they dont make horoscope. It was love marriage.

      Date of marriage was 25th Feb 2010.


    • #154003 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Suresh

      You are very generous and kind hearted. You like discipline. You are very intelligent and have fertile imagination. You are a good looking and pleasant person.

      You wedded to a bride from other community, may be a muslim. From the recent past, you are thinking for divorce i.e from last year. You have to wait upto Saturn bhukti which is from 6-12-2027.  In the meanwhile the process will go on.

      JVS Rao

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