Bhakoota Maha Dosha is present.


  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by sanvi.
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  • Author
    • #14964 Reply
      Digmbar Patil

      Birth date details is 23/01/1989 time is 5.30 Pm and 12/12/1991 10.15 PM. Bhakoota Maha Dosha is present. Please suggest me remedies for that

    • #14981 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Looking at the horoscope matching we see that the Rashi of you both is Cancer and Aquarius, which forms the 6-8 bhakoot dosha, which is not good. The 6-8 bhakoot dosha indicates health problems after marriage to the couple and problems in the relationship. The Grahmaitri score also in your matching is weak with 0.5 out of 5. Despite Guna milan score being 20.5 the overall matching is weak due to Bhakoot dosha. You should check the Grah milan to make sure the planets are well placed and offer marital happiness after marriage.


      Navneet Khanna

      • #14994 Reply

        girl 19/09/1991 9.45am and boy 01/10/1987 4.04 am kindly do match compatiility and bhakoot dosha and remedies please

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