Black Magic or Pitra Dosha

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    • #136831 Reply

      So, i am facing a lot of hurdles in my career for a long time now. Whatever i do fails. now i am depressed and the anxiety is at it’s peak.  One guy told me i have ‘pitra dosha’ (my dad died when i was 2 year old).  i am also performing few remedies suggested for pitra dosha still the situation isn’t getting better. why?

      DOB: 14-04-1999 Place: Ratnagiri, Maharashtra Time: 03:30 pm

      thanks in advance.

    • #136838 Reply


      You are hardly 25 years of age. So, please help me/us understand what you mean by “facing a lot of hurdles in career for a long time”.  Kindly provide some background to help set the context of your query… including educational background / academic qualification, profession / line of work etc.

      Just so you are aware, I’ve had a chance to cast your birth-chart and have some clue as to what might be at play.

      Take care…

      • #136842 Reply

        i have done bachelor’s in Interior but now i work as a content creator, blog on entertainment, since lockdown. had few ups but many downs ( on revenue side).

    • #136846 Reply


      So you’ve done Bachelor’s in Interior (whatever) and now working as a content creator, blog on entertainment… since lockdown. What are your expectations? What are you doing to qualify/meet your expectations? and what are you missing out?

      From an Astrological point of view, Udaya Lagna is placed in Simha/Leo Rashi, ruled by Sun/Ravi. He is caught in transit between Meena/Pieces and Mesha/Aries and seems to be caught in deep Gandanta degrees…

      Moon/Chandra is the 12th lord and placed in the 8th house of Meena/Pieces Rashi (Ashtama-Chandra) and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Uttara-Bhadrapada Nakshatra, ruled by Saturn/Shani-dev, placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation. So, you’ve started your life in a less favorable Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari Dasha system). Thereafter, you’ve transitioned over to Maha-Dasha of Mercury/Budha… who is also placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation – more importantly in the crowded 8th house of Randra-Sthana or house of Challenges. Sun/Ravi Antara was on in 2021 and thereafter you were in the Antara of Moon/Chandra (until May 2023) and currently running that of Mars/Kuja (although a Yogakaraka, he is placed close to Mrityu Bhaga and within the fatal Trimsamsa degrees).

      In any case, the stated anxiety/depression is primariy due to the placement and close conjunction of Mercury/Budha and Moon/Chandra in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana. On the sidelines, it looks like you have uncontrollable bouts of temper, whenever (for whatever reasons) you lose you cool. These aspects are not really conducive to maintain relationships either personal or at a work environment.

      Please be informed that you’ll be starting Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra after a couple of years. And, you are also susceptible or prone to Evil-Eye of Drishti Bada.

      All said and done, you have decent Dhana Yoga and will hopefully manage to do well.

      Take care…

    • #136850 Reply

      Thank you so much sir for this analysis.

      Please explain what is “Evil-Eye of Drishti Bada” and what impact will it have.

    • #148580 Reply


      I am seeking help to determine whether I and my family are suffering from pitr dosh Or black magic or both.


      Please help me with the clearance.

      That would be of a great great health.

      • #148589 Reply


        Kindly let me/us know on what basis do you suggest anybody to help you.

        Take care…

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