The Ashtkoot Kundali Milan Score is as below
Koot Score you get Maximum Score
Varna 1 out of 1
Vashya 2 out of 2
Tara 3 out of 3
Yoni 4 out of 4
Grahamaitri 5 out of 5
Gana 6 out of 6
Bhakoot 7 out of 7
Nadi 0 out of 8 Antya Nadi Dosha
Total Score : 28 out of 36
As you can see above the Ashtkoot Guna milan is very good with 28 out 36, but there is Antya Nadi Dosha.
Nadi dosha is related to progeny and that is why you are facing problems on this end .
You may read more about Nadi Dosha CLICK HERE
Another Good information you will find out from here. It is about Children and Astrology CLICK HERE
Navneet Khanna