What should I do my boyfriend and I have nadi dosha

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    • #153339 Reply
      Ritu Gupta

      My boyfriend and I have nadi dosha. We Love each other but there is Nadi Dosha in our kundli milan and parents refuse our marriage. They asked local pandit who says that marriage should not be done when Nadi dosha is there as one partner will die. Is Nadi dosha really bad.  We want to marry. What can I do????

      Thanks you for all your help.

      Ritu Gupta



    • #153362 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Nadi dosha is bad as it affects the health, so it should never be ignored when doing Kundali Milan. There are  3 types of Nadi dosha

      Adi Nadi

      Madhya Nadi

      Antya Nadi

      When there is a mix of Nadi in Ashtkoot Guna milan, Nadi dosha will not be there and you will get full 8 koots. When Nadi dosha comes the Nadi koot score is zero. As you can see above there is Adya Nadi for both and the score is zero.  I suggest that you check Nadi Paad Vedha. If there is no vedha that means Nadi dosha bad effects will not be there. Then probably you can convince your parents about getting married to your boyfriend.


      Navneet Khanna

      Vedic Astrologer


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