Buddy Sir request for your reply please

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    • #135004 Reply

      Dear Sir,

      Till 2020 I worked in pvt.sector then onwards doing purohit (priest Hindu) right now my profession and financial condition is just avg. can I expect financial growth in future and own house ( independent house) in future.?

      My dob:27/02/1972@11:24 am Guntur A. P


      Sincere Thanks


    • #135012 Reply


      You have at least 3 Grahas/Planets Moon/Chandra, Mars/Kuja and Jupiter/Guru-dev in their Swasthana or own house and Lagna Lord Venus/Shukra in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation. Incidentally, Jupiter/Guru-dev is placed in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana, Mars/Kuja is placed in the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses and Lagna Lord Venus/Shukra lords over the 6th house of Roga-Sthana, which actually happens to be his Moola-Trikona.

      Thereafter, although Yogakaraka Saturn/Shani-dev is placed in a friendly sign, he is never too happy or comfortable being placed in the 1st house. So, I’m inclined to think life would have been a bit of a grind and for good reasons for whatever Karma-Karaka does is for something good. Likewise Rahu is never happy or comfortable being placed in the 9th house of Dharma/Bhagya-Sthana. So, it looks like you’ve not been particularly lucky.

      Current Maha-Dasha is that of Moon/Chandra. He is conjunct Ketu, in the Ketu-Rahu axis and low profile miscreants Mandi & Gulika are right behind. It looks like you are a bit of a lonesome person with few friends and very little social life. In other words, you prefer to be by yourself and rarely prefer company. Incidentally, Rahu is placed in the Lunar Constellation of Sravana Nakshatra, ruled by Moon/Chandra… making him active and contributing in some ways, to your misfortune. Antara of Venus/Shukra which started a few months back should have provided some relief. But then, Saturn/Shani-dev is transiting the 8th house from natal placement of Moon/Chandra. So, Ashtama Shani would be contributing to some unwanted stress in domestic life.

      Lastly, it would perhaps make more sense for you to live in the present and consider taking care of your health/well-being.

      Take care…

    • #135014 Reply

      Thanks for gentle reply Sir,

      Yes, I prefer to stay alone and almost no freinds.

      Of course I missed Both Govt. And good jobs.

      Till now almost my life with up’s and downs.


      Pls let me know any relief or good years are in future?



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