Can this bride and groom married?

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    • #159343 Reply

      Hi sir I have another question girl khumbha rasi sathayam star, boy rishibam rasi, Rohini star..when I checked online no rajju porutham, but lord rasi are friends rishibam venus shukra khumbha saani saturn. Can please advise thanks

    • #159347 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Ms. S

      The compatibility of charts is seen in the olden days by means of 10 poruthams. If they are satisfied the marriages are performed. But in these days the compatibility should be seen as per the following:

      1. Longevity of the boy and girl. 2. Characters of both and how they mingle with each other. 3. Extra marital affairs, vices if any 4. The capacity to produce children. 5. Profession or stability to see how he can feed his wife.

      These points can be studied through the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. So please provide the particulars and ask your questions, so that Navneet Khanna jee or other stalwarts can answer your meaningful questions.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao(KP follower)


    • #159350 Reply

      Boy:25/4/1993, time:4.37am, birth place:perak Malaysia, girl:18/9/1994, birth time:5.05am, birth place: sabak bernam Selangor, Malaysia.

    • #159362 Reply
      JVS Rao

      The girl has longevity. She speaks very fair. She is a spendthrift. She seems to be economical, but the expenditure would be impulsive and likes to purchase costly items. She has very good character, but there would be a problem in bearing a child. She will have a job.

      Marriage : There is a chance to miss one or two alliances. The 7th cusp sub lord is Saturn and so the marital life would not give much satisfaction as you expect.

      The boy has longevity. He is very sensitive and has fertile imagination. He has firm and fixed ideas. He also seems to be economical but the expenditure would be impulsive. He seems to be very soft. If he is provoked he gets excited and shouts on them. Please check his character, before marriage. He is a man of pleasures. He may not have a job. Please make proper local enquiries before proceeding for his alliance.

      Marriage : The boy is interested in pleasurable pursuits. There are chances for love marriage or miss one. So the marriage would be after 2 years only.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

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