Career and Financial struggle

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    • #137265 Reply


      I am a housewife living abroad for the past 25 years after marriage with my husband and two kids. My husband owns a medical centre here and everything was going well until 2015. In his pursuit to expand the business he took some borrowings and invested in the company. But unfortunately after that the business didn’t go well as expected and there was delay in repayments. Everything went out of his hand and he had to leave us here and go to India. Now in his absence for one year I am looking after the business along with my brother, he is working with us for 20 years. But now even after working hard for the last one year nothing is materializing as we planned and struggling to make repayments. Although I am alone and facing lot of problems personally, I really want to clear the borrowings. So can you please tell me how long it will take at least to clear a major part of the borrowings.

      Date of Birth: 8th September 1977
      Birth time: 4:10 pm (evening)
      Place: Tellicherry (Thalassery), Kerala

    • #137271 Reply


      I remember having responded to similar/related queries, perhaps by your brother, followed by that of your husband. It would make sense to have such related queries in one thread, instead of making me/us sieve through information to check, assess and validate collective and/or connected Karma.

      Simply going by your birth-chart, it looks like you are at the fag end of Mercury/Budha Maha-Dasha with the start of last Antara of Lagna Lord Saturn/Shani-dev. Incidentally, he is placed in a Sindhi/Cusp at the edge of Cancer/Karkataka and Leo/Simha Rashis. He is placed too close to deep Gandanta degrees (indicating some weakness), while seemingly crossing over to the Lunar Constellation of Magha Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu, inducing some detachment/separation. Previously, you would have experienced the effects of Ashtama-Shani, with some mental stress, bickering in personal life and relationship with spouse.

      Incidentally, the upcoming Maha-Dasha is that of Ketu himself. On the sidelines, I’m intrigued by Rahu being posited in the Lunar Constellation of Hasta Nakshatra, ruled by 7th lord of Spousal Relationship and Moon/Chandra’s conjunction with 3& 12th lord Jupiter/Guru-dev. Their influence is undeniable.

      Take care.,,

    • #137288 Reply


      I don’t know about my husband enquiring in this site but my brother did and he told me about this, that’s why I thought of asking about my future. Thanks for my present readings and I understand that things won’t get better for me in near future as I am already passing through hard times. But as I asked you before if you can tell me is there any chance for me in clearing a major part of the borrowings it will be of great help.


    • #137305 Reply


      Just so you are aware, the conjunction of Lagna Lord Saturn/Shani-dev and 9th lord Mercury/Budha is creating a good Dhana Yoga. But then, the same has gotten diluted since the conjunction is in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana (Trials and Challenges). I’m inclined to think Saturn/Shani-dev and Mercury/Budha are associated in one-way or other with Ketu. So, in my opinion Ketu is not necessarily the sole culprit (although he has played his part in some kind/form of detachment, separation etc.

      In any case, it would help if you could rewind your life and share some background information/details, all the way from your early childhood. This would help in corelating my understanding of Planetary dispositions in your birth-chart.

      In my humble opinion though, the thought to correct the mistakes/issues in the right way is the first step – Lagna Lord and Karma-Karaka Saturn/Shani-dev be supportive of such thoughts/initiatives. And, I think you’ll be able to do so… if you can overcome the lure for quick and easy or deceptive options.

      On the sidelines, seeking diving help/grace by way of offering regular prayers (not necessarily performing expensive rituals – but simple and sincere prayers), with unwavering faith, bakthi/devotion and a strong Sankalpa will be beneficial.

      Take care…

    • #137419 Reply


      Thanks for your message.  One more final query as I said before we are struggling to run the firm so thinking of leasing the firm to some other big company for a period of time.  I think now its the only practical option for us. Will it be good for us for the time being? can you please tell.

    • #137421 Reply


      Quite frankly, it is not easy or right for mere mortals like me to be advising you on such a question merely with the superficial knowledge and understanding of your situation… purely based on an understanding/assessment of your birth-charts or what you guys might have shared. Elevated souls who probably have a the ability to gaze and read deeper Karmic aspects perhaps can do better.

      Ideally, it would make sense for you to consider meeting in person and consulting well-meaning, well-wishing folk, to discuss viable options, after sharing relevant details.

      PS: On the sidelines, assessing and validating collective or combined Karma (of immediate family could be helpful). So, it would always make sense to pose related queries in the same thread, instead of spreading the information and making it difficult.

      Take care…

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