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Online Magazine on Vedic Astrology
What are mine career and job perspective, please?
May 19th 1975 7pm
Otocac, Croatia
Your Sun and Ketu are in the same nakshatra of Kritika belonging to Sun who is a badhaka for the chart as well. The combination causes a Grahana Yoga. Perform a Shanti for both Sun and Ketu. A change of job is indicated during the 3rd or 4th quarter of this year.
Thank you very much. Can you explain what does ‘perform a Shanti’ mean? Is the change going to be postove?
Shanti means pacifying the concerned planets. In India, there are procedures for these sort of activities. The best you can do is to recite “OM SURYAYA NAMAH” 11 times daily for SUN and “OM KETUVE NAMAH” for Ketu.
YES. The job change will be positive.
Is there any health condition visible, please?
The chart indicates a possibility of an issue with the mid abdomen or the uterus. But this needs to be checked with symptoms. Not possible to do so on a free forum since it takes a long time and effort to come to the right conclusion.
OK, understood. How do we do that?
Mind you, it can’t be uterus since I am not a woman