Career and marriage

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    • #147895 Reply

      Hi my birth details are

      18 April 1992

      Indore, India

      18.16 (PM)

      I have been appearing in competitive exams but failing. I am jobless, unmarried and depressed.

      Please look and give astrological insights.


    • #147914 Reply


      Given birth-details place Udaya Lagna at the edge of Virgo/Kanya Rashi. Lagna Lord and 10th lord of Karma-Sthana Mercury/Budha is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation in Pisces/Meena Rashi (although placement of Venus/Shukra alongside, in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation will help to some extent for Neecha-Bhanga. But calls for validation and caution of Karaka-Bhava-Nashaya concept. In any case, they are creating a couple of good Dhana Yogas). He is not really happy or comfortable being placed in the 7th house of Kalathra-Sthana.

      Sun/Ravi the Karaka for higher/elevated positions is placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation. But then, he is the 12th lord. So, I’m forced to wonder if anybody has misguided and suggested you to pursue competitive exams (not sure which ones though).

      You are currently in the fag end of a powerfully placed Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha and will soon start Maha-Dasha of Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha. So, there is hope for things to change… but does not make sense to have high expectations though.

      That said, it might not be bad idea for you to consider hearing/reading/chanting Shriman Vishnu Sahasranama.

      Take care…

    • #147915 Reply


      Given birth-details place Udaya Lagna at the edge of Virgo/Kanya Rashi. Lagna Lord and 10th lord of Karma-Sthana Mercury/Budha is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation in Pisces/Meena Rashi (although placement of Venus/Shukra alongside, in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation will help to some extent for Neecha-Bhanga. But calls for validation and caution of Karaka-Bhava-Nashaya concept. In any case, they are creating a couple of good Dhana Yogas). He is not really happy or comfortable being placed in the 7th house of Kalathra-Sthana.

      Sun/Ravi the Karaka for higher/elevated positions is placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation. But then, he is the 12th lord. So, I’m forced to wonder if anybody has misguided and suggested you to pursue competitive exams (not sure which ones though).

      You are currently in the fag end of a powerfully placed Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha and will soon start Maha-Dasha of Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha. So, there is hope for things to change… but does not make sense to have high expectations though.

      That said, it might not be bad idea for you to consider hearing/reading/chanting Shriman Vishnu Sahasranama.

      Take care…

    • #147916 Reply

      I did job in corporate sector but then left to prepare for civil services as I was good in studies. I have exhausted all my attempts. Now shifted focus on state PSCs. I have lost my confidence. Suicidal thoughts haunt me every now and then.

    • #147919 Reply


      As called out earlier, I’m inclined to think things will change for better. So, there is no need to lose hope. Instead, kindly consider offering special prayers regularly to Shriman Narayana on Wednesdays and consider hearing/reading/chanting Shriman Vishnu Sahasranama, on a daily basis (at least once – if not twice).

      Take care…

    • #147927 Reply

      Just one last question.. mercury gets exalted in navmasha..Also in D1 chart it’s in conjunction with exalted Venus.

      Mars and Exalted Sun is in vipreet Rajyoga.

      Can I hope for better days in next mahadasha

      • #147961 Reply


        Please re-read my previous posts and hopefully, you’ll find what you are looking for.

        Take care…

    • #147942 Reply


      I would like to know my marriage life and career prospects..

      Name: Deepika C

      DOB: 30 August 1997

      Timings: 11:15 am

      Place: Bangalore

    • #147962 Reply

      Dear Buddy,

      I read all your replies and I am highly thankful to you. In one of the reply u mentioned that Life will change for better but not to keep high expectations . That’s why I brought Navmasha placement of Mercury to your notice.

      As I am having high expectations with mercury mahadasha. As Saturn period was full of struggles and depression.

      • #147964 Reply


        Please consider following the suggested remedies… you’ll find them helpful.

        Take care…

    • #147966 Reply

      Thank you for your time.

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