Career-I have done masters in English and B.Ed .

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    • #136595 Reply

      I have been preparing for Government teaching exams for past four years .when I will get job? Please guide me

    • #136596 Reply

      My Date of birth -17-12-1993


      Time -01-00Am


      Place  -deoband , saharanpur uttar pradesh

    • #136601 Reply


      Personally, I have some doubts with regards to the birth-time/details shared.

      Anyways, you seem to be at the fag end of Rahu Maha-Dasha and in the last phase of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. So, it looks like Rahu has done well to keep you mesmerised and made you chase (perhaps non-existent) Government jobs.

      Take care…

      • #136605 Reply

        Thank you for revert

        Time is accurate according to birth date after 12 ‘O’ clock was 17 had started.I was born at 01:00 am on 17 December 1993.



        Sir,I wanted to know that,  ‘ll I get job in teaching line this year or next year ? I know during this rahu dasha I facing many hurdles in my life .. may I get job??


        my exam in November  2023

    • #136607 Reply


      As called out earlier, you seem to be chasing mirages under the influence of Maha-Dasha lord Rahu.

      By the way, I would very much appreciate if you could kindly share a little bit about yourself, your family etc., purely for academic interests. This would help validate the concept of “Desha-Kaala-Patra”.

      Take care…

      • #136610 Reply

        I come from middle class family .my father is a farmer, mother housewife and 3 shibling exclud me.  I have done bachelor’s in arts ad then  b.ed  . Futher i did master’s in English ..  now ,I m preparing for teaching examinations..last year I failed with questions in teaching exam ..  marriage pressure also there .I want to be self dependent before my marriage …is it possible or not ?? Please guide me ..I am unable to understand what did you said  ..

        • #136619 Reply


          Appreciate your note confirming my understanding. All I was trying to convey earlier is that these are not the best of times for you and I see limited yogas for a Government job in your birth-chart.

          That said, I do see some Dhana Yogas (perhaps through some unconventional ways/means) and trying to connect the dots.

          Take care…

    • #136640 Reply

      Could you confirm a few predictions?

      1. Your sibling is an introvert, likes to keep things to himself.
      2. Your neighbours or siblings have a problem in their marriage and have some extra marital affair.
      3. You are the only/first one from your family who has attained the kind of education that you have.
      4. You have a birth mark on your chest.
      5. It will be very difficult to build your own house, even if you do manage to build or buy one, it will be situated at a higher level from the ground, with religious places around. The house will be on a government owned land.

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