Career prediction

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    • #137171 Reply


      my birth details are 7th nov 1987, 3:10PM, Delhi

      I have had very good education all my life, topped classes, gold medal in university, prepared for civil services but could never crack it and lost the precious time , I got married in between, caught sinus, fall sick now and then, had two miscarriages then had a baby .I seriously want to do something in my life making my parents proud of me. I have so much creativity, so much intelligence but seriously don’t know what  I want to do in my life. Please look into my charts and give me some hint. I want to know what it is. This only thing makes me very sad about life. I want to pay back for my education to my parents. One thing im sure of is once I find out what I want I will be 200% into that.

    • #137179 Reply
      Preeti Sharma

      Can someone help on this ?

    • #137258 Reply

      Career prediction in astrology involves analyzing a person’s natal chart to better understand their potential career path, strengths, weaknesses, and overall career trends based on location and aspect of the planets at the time of their birth. The key elements of astrological career prediction are:

      10th house and its ruler (Middle Thien):

      The 10th house of the birth chart, also known as the Midheaven (MC), is the center of career predictions. The dawning sign of the 10th house and its ruling planet provides insight into career aspirations, public image, and potential career paths.

      Planetary position in 10th House:

      Planets in the 10th house can indicate specific areas of interest or influence one’s career. For example, Jupiter may suggest a career in education, law, or publishing, while Mars may suggest a career in the military, sports, or engineering.

      Planetary aspects of the 10th House and its ruler:

      Aspects (angular relationships) between the 10th house ruler and other planets in the birth chart can provide additional insight into how a person’s career may manifest. Favorable aspects can suggest opportunities and ease of achieving career goals, while unfavorable aspects can indicate obstacles and difficulties.

    • #137359 Reply

      Then, what did you analyse?

    • #137506 Reply

      some obervations

      Oct 7 , 1987 , delhi

      current dasa is of sun till 2029.

      as sun is your 8th lord there will transformation in your life

      such sun is in star of 7th lord moon , and sub of ketu

      as ketu is star of 8th lord sun, there will b struggles , but you will acheive positive results too

      as venus is sub lord of lagan and its on 8th cusp there would have been struggles in pastt.

      how ever as lagan lord saturn is in house 11 and in star of mercury you wil finally achieve success.


      [email protected]

    • #137582 Reply

      Hello Sir,

      you have entered wrong birth details, its november 7th … not october

      • #137640 Reply

        Yes i just observed its is wrong, correct detail now


        some observation in addition to the last email.

        Nov 7th 1987

        lagan lord Guru  is at 28 degree pisces and rahu in lagan which is at 3 degrees


        current  dasa is  jupiter since 2021 till 2037  and this period will be good jupiters gets good connection of star lord mercury  revati 4 .

        1, 4, 7 , 8, 9, 11 ad 12  and 2  houses  being shown by planets which are all good except  8 and 12 ….

        jupter has moved away to house 2 in bhava chart, year 2023 2024 will not be great. but 2025 and 2026 will be good.

        your purpose in life education field.

        as rahu has moved on your lagan into mercury star,  and mecury is conjunct sun 6th lord , in 8th house…i think with hard work you can suceed in competitive exams.

        lagan score in ashakvarga for guru is very good..and rahu has just entered..

        so i feel even though there will be illusions yet you can convert your dream or deep desires into reality.


        jupiter rahu combination can make you give online tutoring /coaching /mentoring


        if preparing for civil services

        gets connection of houses 1, 4, 7 , 8, 9, 11 ad 12  and 2


        so i feel that you will be able to achieve your goals and also pay back to your father aand mother as house 9, 11 and 12 are also reflecting.



        jupiter in merury star  in house 8  along with 6th lord  sun .This will give struggles in life, but you will be research oriented as mercury has just one house away from is strong house.

        jupiter iself in lagan in raasi and navamsa


        jupiter in merucryr star, saturn sub houses 8 and 9 has actually given good education as confirmed in you email.

        i see that mercury is more or less strong in both raasi and navamsa.

        makes you intelligent and research  oriented 8th house mercury is very good.


        from your chart…concentraion of planet is   between 7 and 9 houses.

        jupiter in first house in mercury star is good


        your lagan star saturn too in mercury star is again good.  due to  saturn and venus opp moon  you are not clear   due to very nature of saturn.  and further sun is in jupiter star.which is idealstic planets..hence your question about lack of direction .

        further venus as 3 and 8th lord conjunct saturn…is also responsible

        please share yourthoughts




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