Career problems during rahu mahadasha

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    • #71621 Reply

      i am going through rahu mahadasha. i am suffering a lot in career as well as marital life. i want to know when this will get over. will i get stable career and stable marital life or it will continue throughout the same in my life.
      please advice. my details are:
      Name: surekha
      date of birth: 22/08/1981
      birth time: 1:10 am
      birth place : belgaum karnataka, India

    • #71660 Reply

      Your Rahu dasa will continue till mid 2025 and thereafter Jupiter Mahadasa starts for 16 years which will be slightly better than Rahu dasa by about 25% improvement.

      • #71716 Reply

        may i know whether i will get permanent job or i will work on temporary post only..

    • #71732 Reply

      Your above question is not within the scope of astrology. A job is just any verb in Astrology and nothing is permanent. Even our life in this world is of a temporary nature.

    • #71761 Reply

      Dear Surekha Ji,

      Life will improve a little bit after january, 2019.

      However, Problems related to career may compel You to take a new direction altogether, I mean You may change direction of career or if You have already changed than its fine. Because, in this type of birth chart, I have seen people generally study one thing and make career in some other thing.

      You may have problems related to stomach, abdomen or small surgery related to them.

      Married life will always have issues or may be influenced by 3rd person as well.

      Chart need to be analyzed more deeply.

      Can not tell more for FREE.

      So, Contact me if You only wish to get a PAID CONSULTATION FROM ME.
      Astrologer Sourav

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