Career Struggle

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    • #134951 Reply

      8 may 1988

      11:25 AM

      Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

      Question: When will I come out of darkness in terms of career. I am trying hard to but something is blocking me may be its sade sati or antardasha of saturn.

    • #134954 Reply


      You are indeed in the last phase of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra, in your birth-chart. Incidentally, he also transited across natal placement of Yogakaraka Mars/Kuja, the 5th & 10th lord.

      On the side lines, you are in the midst of Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha (until 2036) and Antara of Saturn/Shani-dev (until February 2025). So, any unwanted stress and anxiety at work/workplace can be attributed to these factors.

      It would be nice if you could kindly elaborate your current situation and help set the context. You have Sun/Ravi very well placed in the 10th house of Karma-Sthana, where he attains strong Dig-Bala or directional strength.  He also have pretty strong Shadbala and Vimsopaka Bala (in Dasa Varga). He is conjunct Jupiter/Guru. Mars/Kuja is in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation. So, I’m inclined to think you have a pretty good Career… but then, Rashi Parivarthana between 11th lord of Profit/Gains and 12th lord of Losses is a concern – not to mention the 7th house of Relationships.

      Take care…

    • #134969 Reply

      Currently I dont have job. I lost a job on August 27 2022 due to office politics. Company mentally harassed me and made me resign. Now I have started the same business which my ex company does and I want to answer them with my success by competing them in the same field Digital Marketing. I working towards this but face hurdles, therefore I am also looking for a job for income but I am not getting a job as well. Should I do job or continually doing my work to achieve what I started after they deceived me?

    • #134976 Reply


      From mid-2002 until mid-2020 you were running Maha-Dasha of Rahu and the time-period, in tune with your Karma probably got you into the Digital Marketing space. As called out earlier, since mid-2020 you’ve started Maha-Dasha of Jupiter/Guru-dev. He is placed in the 10th house of Karma-Sthana, alongside Sun/Ravi. Their Rashi depositor Yogakaraka Mars/Kuja is exalted in the 7th house. The one drawback though is that they are posited in the Lunar Constellation of Bharani Nakshatra, ruled by Venus/Shukra… who is placed in the 12th house.

      In any case, I’m inclined to think this is perhaps a good time for you to consider a change in profession. In my humble opinion, you seem to be somebody who’d excel in high-end consulting and advisory roles for high-ranking professionals/executives.

      Further, I’d suggest that you focus more on viable options for successful way forward and worry less about avenging your hurt pride from experiences at previous company/employer. Jupiter/Guru-dev is not really a functional benefic for your birth-chart. But then, I’m inclined to think he will still do well enough to propel your career.

      On the side lines, it would help if you were to have unwavering faith in the almighty and offer sincere prayers to help you get over the current situation.

      Take care…

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