Career, wealth and general wellbeing

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    • #153259 Reply
      • When will career start and what type of job will it be?
      • When will I have better mental peace?
      • Is current Venus MD-Saturn Ad a good period?




      Place: Palam, Delhi


    • #153278 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Yash

      You are running Venus dasa Saturn bhukti. It is upto 30-08-2025. In this Mars antara is going on, which ends on 6-10-2024. Next is Rahu antara which is upto 29-3-2025.

      Venus (lord of 5th and 12th) is in 5th house( detriment to 6th house – service). Venus is in the star of Rahu in 1st house. Rahu is in the star of Jupiter lord of 10th (profession) in 11th house (success, fulfillment of desires) and Jupiter is with Saturn.Saturn is the lord of 8th(tensions, sudden events) and 9th (detriment to 10th – profession, change of job). Jupiter and Saturn will help you to get a job.  So Venus period is good for profession.

      Saturn is in 11th house with 10th lord Jupiter. So Saturn also supports Venus to give you a job.

      Rahu is in 1st house. As I detailed above, Rahu also supports Venus and Saturn to give you a job. Rahu is the significator of Sun also. So the job may be connected to a Government department.

      In your chart 1st house sub lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of Moon in 6th house and sub of Saturn in 11th house. You know Moon is very fast moving planet whereas Saturn is very slow moving planet. So there would be mental tensions. Competitors would be more for you.

      Be happy. The good period is very near.

      God bless you

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao

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