Chance for remarriage or Sanyasi

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    • #43983 Reply

      Here with enclosing a female horoscope , who is looking for remarriage first marriage nullified no issues for her.

      Dhanur Lagna, Saturn in lagna (Moola Star)
      2nd House Capricorn no planets
      3rd House Aquarius Rahu in Rahu star
      4th House Pieces no planets
      5th House Aries Exalted Sun in its own star
      6th House Taurus Jupiter (Rohini), Venus (Krithika 4), Mercury (Krithika 4)
      7th House Gemini Mars in Rahu star
      8th House Cancer Moon exalted in Saturn sign
      9th House Leo Ketu in its own sign Maka
      10th House no planets
      11th House no planets
      12th House no planets

      Her panic is there is any chance for her marriage, as Saturn in Ketu in lagna many says it’s not good combination its for liberation. That too next year Saturn is going to join with Ketu and jupiter. She panic will there be detachment in life

    • #43984 Reply

      Her dasa is Venus , Venus is Combust any malefic because of it. Venus dasa and Venus antar dasa is going on.

      Is there is possibility of marriage yogas for her or liberation/detached. She kept saying lost intrest in materialistic life we are so panic

    • #43988 Reply

      Read my blog and get the scientific evaluation of of her horoscope. You will get all the answers to your questions.

    • #43991 Reply

      Dear TMR
      Thanks for your kind response went through the blog but don’t have that much wisdom to calculate and predict fr her. Trusting in your words I don’t want to strain you nor steal your precious time. If time permits just kindly suggest Yes marriage happens or else No.

    • #44085 Reply

      Read “Definitions in Astrology” particularly of “Marriage”

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