Chances of Separation

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    • #134734 Reply

      Sir, I am married.My marriage was not done through proper match making.I am feeling some unhappyness in my married life. Could you please tell me is there any Divorce or separation sign is there in my birth chart ?

      Female , 25/12/1990, 6:10 P.m , Hooghly ( west Bengal)

    • #134741 Reply
      Mohan Krishna_9573443779

      The unhappiness is due to negative influence of Mars in your horoscope. You don’t have any separation indicated in your horoscope. To overcome the current situations and for a happy marital life, worship Lord Subrahmanya every Tuesday. If possible do abhishek and sahasra nama archana in a temple of Subrahmnya. Slowly you will feel better.

    • #134755 Reply


      Going by the birth details, you seem to be in the midst of (5th & 12th lord) Venus/Shukra Maha-Dasha. He is considered to be the Natural significator or Naisargika Kalathra-Karaka. His presence in the 7th house of Kalathra-Sthana calls for validation of Karaka-Bhava Nashaya. On the sidelines, he has also activated the 7th lord Jupiter/Guru placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation in the 2nd house of Wealth Accumulation and Family Expansion. Jupiter is loosely conjunct Ketu.

      Given that Udaya Lagna is placed in Mithuna Rashi, Lagna Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha is never too happy or comfortable being placed in the 7th house of Kalathra-Sthana. Further, placement of Sun/Ravi in the 7th house and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Moola/Mula Nakshatra does not bode well.

      On my part, I’m inclined to think there is lack of attachment (including with siblings – if any) and compatibility. So, chances of separation is very much there. But there are also strong redeeming factors that seems to be pushing the envelope.

      Take care…

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