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    • #38265 Reply


      is it possible to know about:
      when will I have my first baby?

      11:46 am
      Abu Dahbi, United Arab Emirates


    • #38270 Reply

      You are unlikely to have a baby since your 5th house indicating children is the weakest and if at all it is possible you could have serious problem with that child. I am sorry that my reply is a bit disappointing, but I have to be honest while giving you an advice using astrology. Read my blog Navagraha Astrology Online for more details.

    • #38285 Reply
      Astro Jyoti

      5th house lord Mars, star lord Saturn and sub-lord Venus have the combination for child-birth along with anti combination as well. Mars and Saturn being retrograde along with Ketu’s position in 5th-house in Chalit are making natural conception difficult.

      Sun-Moon period from 26/2/2018 to 28/8/2018 seems OK for trying and efforts will pay-off with medical help. Otherwise, Sun-Rahu & Sun Jupiter period from 2019-2020 show good chances of success as well.

      God Bless,
      Astro Jyoti

    • #38286 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      Fifth house of your horoscope is not so good.
      Negativity is there in your horscope.
      You may be having health problems also.
      1.You have to do fasting for one day in a week.ON the
      day of fasting,you can eat uncooked vegetables.You can
      eat any number of times.Unlimited quantity is permitted.
      2.Another type of method will remove bad conditions
      of uterus.
      It is holistic healing..YOu have to avoid milk products(milk,
      curd,buttermilk,coffee,tea,ghee),nonveg,fish,eggs,sweets for
      3 or 4 months.In this method,you have to drink unfiltered
      leaf juice of 30 coriander leaves,15 pudina leaves ,10gms of
      ginger and 15 gms of bittergroud.
      YOu should try to give birth to a great child,but not just
      ordinary child.
      So read the following article carefully and follow it for 5
      or 6 months.


      Great souls will be waiting in sky to enter into some clean and
      sinless womb of a lady to take birth.
      Instead of giving birth to ordinary children,you can choose to give
      birth to great children by following certain diet restrictions and
      can attract great soul to your womb.
      In the ancient days ,ladies used to do vratams(deekshas) before and after pregnancy,
      to attract great spirits to their womb.
      Vratams involve praying a God and observing some diet restrictions.

      If pregnancy is delayed,this method has to be followed by both(husband
      and wife)for 6months.This method will clean bodies of both and facilitate
      pregnancy.This method will clean horoscope negativity also.

      When a lady is already pregnant,these following methods will clean
      the sins of child’s spirit and the child will take birth at a very good
      time with a good horoscope.
      1.Avoid cooked food in the nights for 2 or 3 months.You can eat uncooked
      vegetables as many as you want.You cant eat sweet vegetables or fruits.
      Fruits are generally sweet and not effective in this method.
      You can eat cucumber,raddish,carrot,amla,capsicum,green apples or
      yellow apples.Red apples are sweet.
      1A. If the above method cant be followedl,the person can observe
      fast for one day in a week.On the day of fasting,the person can eat
      unlimited quantity of uncooked vegetables.
      2.Avoid milk products,sweets,sweet fruits,dry fruits,nonveg,fish,eggs
      for 2 or 3 months.You can eat rice and wheat items of foods and tiffins.

      When you stop milk products,you have to drink(daily morning) unfiltered juice of
      30 coriander leaves,15 mint leaves,15 tulsi leaves,2 betel leaves.
      This juice will give natural vitamins and minerals that are present
      in milk and other fruits.Cows and buffalloes give milk by eating leaves and
      Pregnant ladies get constipation.This leaf juice cures that problem also.
      Such a type of diet will give natural delivery.

      3.Pregnant lady should take one head bath with cold water daily before or
      after sunrise.In addition to that morning bath,she has to take one more bath
      with cold water.The second bath(not head bath) can be before lunch.
      The body of pregnant lady will be hot.Cold water baths will reduce the heat and baby feels happy.

    • #38299 Reply

      Dear Mukesh,

      All these question are not meant to answer in 1-2 lines. All these will take lot of time.

      Please get a PAID analysis.

      If You want it from me, then, mail me to for details.

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