Child markesh-death predicted by astrologer

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    • #59794 Reply

      Sir some astrologer told me that my son’s life will be in danger from his age 9-14. So pls guide me what to do.his details are-
      Time-4:07 am

    • #59804 Reply

      There is a point in what the astrologer said. His planetary dispositions are as follows.

      Planet Nature Net effect

      Sun Malefic 6.34
      Moon Benefic 49.14
      Mars Malefic 53.94
      Mercury Malefic 17.37
      Jupiter Benefic 57.78
      Venus Malefic 64.86
      Saturn Malefic 29.74
      Rahu Malefic 2.78
      Kethu Benefic 3.85

      Net Malefic 33.96

      The strength of Rahu, Kethu and Sun are very low in single digits. This will bring overall weakness in Saturn Mahadasa which is also a weak Malefic. The period 2019 to 2022 will be critically bad. Wear a Cast Iron Bangle on both hands. Train him to read scriptural books with devotion too.

      Visit Kalahasthi temple and sri Venkateswara temple in AndhraPradesh, Tirupati.

    • #59883 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      You purchase a plastic tub.
      You make the child to sit in the tub.
      Then pour cold water in he tub upto his navel level.
      Let the child sit in the tub daily 10 mins.
      The water level should not go above waist level.
      One centimeter this way or that way does not matter.

      Cold water has got great spiritual properties.
      Lord Siva got grea spiritual powers by standing
      under water falls in Himalayas for days together.

      [email protected]

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