Combusted 7h ruler & 1h ruler in birth chart

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      DOB: October 8th, 2006

      Time of birth: 22:05

      ^using a 24 hr clock (or 10:05 P.M.)

      Location of birth: Baytown, Texas, USA

      I’ve noticed that my 7th house ruler (Mars) and my 1st house ruler (Venus) are both combust in my 5th house in Virgo. What will my future husband be like? Will this have an effect on my marriage? If so, how can I overcome or strengthen the influence of these planets?

      For my career, I’m passionate about computer science, but my dad believes it’s not as in-demand as it once was. Meanwhile, my mom insists on me majoring in pharmacy. (I don’t know which career I would be the most successful in based on my chart)

      And please let me know if there are any other negative placements in my chart. It would be helpful.

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