Dasha Sandhi

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    • #34001 Reply
      Sakhar Rao


      Please advice me how do we know whether an upcoming Mahadasha is good or not. Suppose if someone is facing lot of hardships at the end of a given dasha that Too during dasha Sandhi period, doesn’t that mean the upcoming Mahadasha is bad for him. My understanding is , one should feel the good or bad effects of the upcoming Mahadasha during Dasha Sandhi period itself ,during the Fag end of current dasha itself. For example if someone is going from Rahu to Jupiter, he will face adversities during end part of Rahu if upcoming Jupiter is bad . Otherwise if Jupiter is good , his Rahu dasha end part would show its effects . Please correct me if I am wrong .

    • #34024 Reply

      Read my blog navagrahastro.blogspot.in

    • #34035 Reply
      K.Umamaheswaara rao

      There are different situations and different designs of
      horoscopes.It is not possible to tell in one or two sentences.

    • #42162 Reply

      I have been transiting from Rahu maha dasha 26/12/17 ends to Jupiter maha dasha 27-12-17 begins, I am going through dasha sandhi period, hence I suffering from huge health (stomach )problem. My dob is 25-08-1977 time 11: 15 PM. at jaleswar, odisha.

      Please advice me when my jupiter will be strong and good time for me come and my health problem will ok and how i will be benefited from My jupiter mahadasha.


    • #120893 Reply

      Yes correct dasha sandhi tells what coming mahadasha will give results
      For me also end of shani mahadasha was more problematic Saturn mahadasha Jupiter antar very bad results and start of mercury again more bad results ,mercury mahadasha showed me that what I felt bad in end of Saturn mahadasha was very less then bad that is happening in mercury mahadasha
      So dasha sandhi period fortells us how your upcoming mahadasha will give you results
      If things are going bad then upcoming dasha is bad ,if good then good

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