Daughter Marriage

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    • #135691 Reply

      Pranam Guruji,

      We are searching groom for my daughter from last few years and there is no success. Birth details are:

      D.O.B – 3 November 1989

      Time of birth– 3:52 AM

      Place – Uttarkashi, India

      When will she get married, what will be the qualities of spouse  and how will be her life after marriage




    • #135709 Reply


      Udaya Lagna in your daughter’s birth-chart is placed in Kanya Rashi, with Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha being caught between Mars/Kuja and Sun/Ravi in the 2nd house of Family Expansion.

      Moon/Chandra, the current Maha-Dasha lord seems to be preoccupied in a Planetary war or Graha Yudha with 2nd & 9th lord Venus/Shukra in the Lunar Constellation of Mula/Moola Nakshatra. Incidentally, Saturn/Shani-dev is giving them company while being posited in the Lunar Constellation of Purvashada Nakshatra, ruled by Venus/Shukra and aspecting Vakra or Retrograde (4th &) 7th lord Jupiter/Guru-Dev, placed in the 10th house.

      Saturn/Shani-dev has contributed to the obvious delay thus far – thankfully, not a complete denial. As per Vimsottari system Antara of Jupiter/Guru-dev will start from 20th August, creating opportunities for change in fortune and fulfillment of desires (in spite of Jupiter/Guru-dev’s placement being subject to Kendradipathya Dosha and undeniable influence of Ketu).

      It would perhaps make sense for you (native and well-wishers) to put in your best efforts, after propitiating affecting planets/Grahas, starting with special prayers to Lord Ganesha, with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong Sankalpa.

      Take care…

    • #135712 Reply

      By what time marriage will happen?

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