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    • #133321 Reply

      Place of birth: kumta taluk (Karanatka)

      Date of birth: 3/11/1992

      Time: 12.30am

      Marriage date: 27/12/2016

      Husband details

      Place of birth: karwar(karnataka)

      Date of birth: 20/9/1983

      Time of birth: 5 am.. we don’t have kids almost six years we did all sort of treatment including ivf it was not successful .. because of which my husband is not happy as per doctor i have problem..will he divorce me or continue our married life..pls help me

    • #133328 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Monica ji,

      Thanks for getting in touch. I think not having a biological child has come as shock to your husband and probably after all the efforts, he is disappointed. IVF I know is very expensive treatment. Despite all efforts if things do not plan then disappointment is natural. I suggest that you should adopt a child. Children have so much attraction and power that within days you both will forget the past, and that child will bring a new light in your life.

      Think about it.


      Navneet Khanna


    • #133329 Reply

      But my husband doesn’t want to go for adoption he is against it

    • #133345 Reply


      The gentleman seems to be running Uccha or exalted Roga-Karaka Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha since 2016. He is aspecting the 5th house of Putra-Sthana. His 5th lord of (pro)creativity and natural or Naisargika Putra-Karaka Jupiter/Guru-dev is caught in the Ketu-Rahu axis. Both Venus/Shukra and Mars/Kuja are caught deep in Gandanta degrees on either side of Karkataka-Simha – they seem to be pre-occupied in a Planetary war or Graha Yudha. Lagna lord and Aarogya Karaka Sun/Ravi has below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasa-varga. So, I’d very much be interested in looking up his medical report.


      Take care…

    • #133346 Reply

      He have lower sperm count…i have problem of thin endometrium lining

    • #133366 Reply


      There are afflictions in your birth-chart as well…no denying it.

      You are also in the midst of Roga-Karaka Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha since 2019. He is neither happy nor comfortable being placed in the 3rd house of courage and proactive initiatives. Your 5th lord of (pro)creativity and Yogakaraka Mars/Kuja is placed in the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses/Hospitalization – he has below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasa-Varga. Further, the 5th house is caught in the Rahu-Ketu axis and Venus/Shukra is too close to Rahu for comfort. Sun/Ravi, the 2nd lord of Wealth and Family Expansion is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debility. On the sidelines, there is Parivarthana between Mars/Kuja and Mercury/Budha

      All said and done, I’m inclined to think there is a ray of hope for you – there is delay and not a complete denial. Please consider seeking help and guidance from knowledgeable experts for appropriate Vedic/Dharmic remedies.

      Take care…

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