Divorce and other troubles

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      Tembhurni, Solapur, Maharashtra, India

      Singur, West Bengal, India

      Marriage: 12-May-2012 @ Singur, West Bengal, India
      Kid 1: Boy 30-May-2013 @ Bangalore, India
      Kid 2: Girl 20-Aug-2018 @ Dallas, USA
      career growth and moved to USA in Sep 2014

      I have been going through many troubles in last 8 years. Life was very successful until 2016. Then the trouble started. The trouble seems to be aligned with Saturn Mahadasha. Heart bipass surgery in 2016, car accident in 2017, constant stomach pain from 2018 till 2022. Stomach surgery in 2022. Career started declining in 2017, no promotions, no salary increments. Lost the job in Jan 2023, unemployed till Nov 2023.

      Marriage had differences right from first year. But things got super bad since Feb 2022. Could be aligned with Kentu antardasha for both spouses. Could be aligned with Rahu transiting to Natal Rahu (7th house) in wife’s chart. We are separated for last 2.5 years but living under same roof and finalizing divorce

      I have 3 questions:
      1. Can you please check why my life is so bad. Is it truly Saturn Mahadasha. If so then there was also Sade Sati right before the Mahadasha and still marriage happened during the sade sati period. So why did sade sati period turn out fruitful with marriage, kid and career growth but the saturn mahadasha turning out so bad?
      2. Why has been marriage so bad? Is it due to my chart? Mangal dosh in my chart or mars+sun in 1st house or saturn is the lord of 7th house? Or is it due to wife’s chart? Mars is the lord of 7th house and Rahu in 7th house? can you predict date for divorce?
      3. How will my next 2-3 years be with respect to career and love life ?



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