Does my son have balatistha Dosha

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    • #137762 Reply

      Hi Sir,

      can you please let me know if my son have balatista dosham:

      Date of Birth: August 11 2023

      Place: Palo Alto, California

      time:  10:35 pm

    • #137774 Reply


      There are some afflictions in the birth-chart. For instance, Udaya Lagna or Ascendent being placed in Pisces/Meena Rashi and flanked on either side by hardcore malefics Saturn/Shani-dev and Rahu, forming a Papakartari or Ashuba Yoga is not a good sign. Jupiter being conjunct Rahu is a bit of a redeeming factor.

      On the sidelines, Moon/Chandra being posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ardra Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu (who does not seem to be beneficially inclined)… in essence translating into the child starting his life in a not so pleasant Rahu Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari Dasha system) is not preferred.

      In my humble opinion though, they wouldn’t necessarily qualify as Balarishta.

      Take care…

    • #137779 Reply

      You can perhaps come through for Paid consultation when you will get a detailed horoscope evaluation born in California.

    • #137786 Reply
        <li style=”text-align: left;”>Udhaya kumar
        9.15 pm
        Tiruvannamalai district
        As we both loved each other since 2 months ago, marriage fixed by parents this month,due to misunderstandings between us he is unwilling to get marry me, impossible to forget him,as he comes back for me or not,is my marriage will be happens with him or not.plse help me is there any remedies to unite & get marry
        <li style=”text-align: left;”>Srilekha date of birth 12/02/1997 place of birth Arani thiruvannamalai district tamilnadu , timings 2.45 pm
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