Exam related

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    • #159901 Reply
      Ayush kumar

      Sir I wrote exam on 16 december 2024 of railways of 1st stage whether I will qualify for stage 2.

      Further few more exams and stage 2 of railways are lined up in January or February.. 2025

      Sir whether the results will be favourable or not sir?

      Date of birth -10 may 1995

      Time of birth -5.30 AM

      Place of birth -kirandul chhattisgarh india

    • #159906 Reply


      You are in the midst of Lagna Lord Mars/Kuja Maha-Dasha. He is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation… and more importantly placed close to deep Gandanta degrees. He has activated Sun/Ravi, Jupiter/Guru-dev (who is Vakra or Retrograde), Moon/Chandra, Ketu and Antara lord Mercury/Budha. Of these, Ketu and Mercury/Budha are not really benefic and does not seem to be supportive of success in the said time-period. Further, upcoming transit of Saturn/Shani-dev (across the 8th house from natal placement of Moon/Chandra or Ashtama-Chandra) is not really going to be helpful.

      Given the situation, it would make sense for you to double-up, put in extra effort, be more focused and try your best. On the sidelines, it might not be a bad idea to consider strengthening Mars/Kuja and propitiating Ketu by way of offering special prayers on a regular/daily basis to lord Ganesha, with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong sankalpa.

      Take care…

    • #159907 Reply


      Moon/Chandra has some inherent weakness and in-turn his effect on your mental abilities (like memory, calmness, focus, patience, peace of mind etc.) is a matter of concern. Please consider practicing Yogasana, Pranayama and Meditation.

      Take care…

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