Financial and martial prediction


  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by TMR.
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    • #2026 Reply

      Astrologer ji,

      My DOB: 14th july 1980, 1:36 pm, calcutta.

      About my brief, I have not seen much positives till now in my life. Did not have any love affairs in my life. I have not yet worked since my health does not permit me hence I have invested in share market and it is only my source and hope.

      Astrologically it is said I am going through a good time but nothing is working at my end.

      Please let me know:
      1. When I will get financially safe or start earning good 2.When will I get married.

    • #2030 Reply

      I am not able to find any reasons for your health being bad that you cannot work. What is the problem with you. Do let me know. Unless your birth time is accurate it is not useful to consult Astrology to have a peep into your life.

    • #2034 Reply

      Am having hyperactive bladder problem.

    • #2035 Reply

      Financially you will be well off in your Sun’s period starting in 2016 Sept. Your marital bliss is rather not very strong and has a below pass mark. So we will have to wait and see till 2016 and see whether there are any positive indications by then which I have my own doubts about. And the poor 7th house strength could also be the reason for your hyper active bladder. Regarding remedies you may go through my articles

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