finding stability in career and job

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    • #153595 Reply

      My DOB: 16 July 1990 at 6:02 AM
      Place: Agra, Uttar Pradesh

      My husband’s DOB: 25 July 1989 at 12:12 PM
      Place: Ferozepur, Punjab


      Hello Sir,

      We would like to know how our future looks like when it comes to financial and health well being. finding stability in career and job
      My husband and I are facing extreme hurdles in our respective jobs which is causing lot of stress for us. How stable is our career.

      Thank you.


    • #154048 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mrs. User

      You are a secretive person. Ascendant fell in Cancer at 4° 54′ 58″ (Moon sign Saturn star and Saturn sub). Mercury and Ketu occupied the ascendant. Saturn is in 6th house (Success in all undertakings, sickness, service or regular attendance etc) in the star of Sun (lord of 3rd – short distance travel, communication etc) in 12th house (abroad, exertion in work place, investments etc) and Sun conjoined with Jupiter (lord of 6th and 10th- profession etc). Saturn gives secretive and hard working nature. But as Saturn is connected to 12th house through Sun (lord of 3rd – neighbours, communication, writing etc), there would be secret enemies, exertion due to over work.

      Profession: 10th cusp sub lord is Jupiter in 12th house with Sun. Jupiter is in his own star and sub of Sun in 12th house. So Jupiter gives you a secured job in a distant place, say abroad. You gain there and enjoy security in job. But overwork would be there.

      Health: You will face chronic issues. Nervous disorders, insomnia, relating to head region.

      Wealth: You try to be economical. But you spend on costly and luxurious items. You will invest in fixed assets like land and building and save your money in a distant place.

      Present period is of Moon 1st house lord in 10th. Moon is in the star of Ketu in 1st house and sub of Rahu in Moon in 10th house. So it gives you professional advancement. Saturn bhukti is on. Saturn is in 6th house and in the star of Sun in 12th house. In this period you have to visit hospitals for treatment of bones or nervous disorders or respiratory problems. There would be delays and postponements causing you frustration.

      I hope I have answered your questions. Regarding your husband I will answer in the following mail.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao


    • #154053 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mrs User

      You provide details of your husband. Date of birth,Time of birth and Place of birth.

      From your chart we can say that he is friendly and jovial with others. But mostly he keeps silence and tries to be reserved. He is very loyal and generous. He loves his relatives very well. His speech would be in grandeur.

      He has a secured job, connected to accounts. He also have pressures in job till 10-09-2025.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao

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