foregin job

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by TMR.
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    • #17281 Reply

      Dob-11 Aug 1984 17.54pm Kolkata.

      Foreign job

    • #17284 Reply

      Any job outside Kolkata in your case is a foreign job as per astrology. Astrology cannot say whether you will work abroad since countries are man made and is not endorsed by God. Astrology consider the whole Earth as one unit. Read my blog for more.

    • #17285 Reply
      k.umamaheswara rao

      Why are anxious about a foreign job?
      There are many people suffering with very
      bad job conditions in west asia and usa.
      Try to get some good job in India.
      [email protected]

    • #17288 Reply

      Dear sir
      Thanks for your reply but I want not a general answer but want an astrological answer.according to Mr rao astrology cannot tell about foreign settlement.
      With no regrets and respect to you mentors please use you astrology skills instead of generlized answers.
      Now plz read the following.
      4th house your motherland
      9the house long distance travel
      12 house foreign land
      8 the house unknown places.
      Since each house signifies something analyzing above houses we can tell regarding foreign settlement.
      Going further.
      Capricorn asc
      Saturn in Libra
      Juipter in Sagittarius in 12th.
      Saturn aspecting Jupiter.
      Moon in 1st house aspecting sun in 7the.
      Lord of 9th mercury exalted in namansha
      And lord of 12the Jupiter also exalted in navmansha.
      As u astrologers say that 12the house mahadasha denotes sucees away from homeland.
      Please throw some light…..
      As per our attention I am working for last twelve years in Kolkata now I am trying for something good since I am struggling.

    • #17290 Reply

      Astrology had its origin very many years before and in those times there were no foreign lands as is there today and you never needed a Visa or Passport to enter those lands. So astrology only could predict long distance travels which only meant travels on foot. These days long distance travels can be done anywhere in the world within less than 24 hours. So your assumptions about foreign lands is just a misconception. Astrology does not have a single axiom to predict that you will travel abroad. Yes long distance travels could be there from your place of birth. That is the best you could say if most of the planets are in Cardinal signs with good potency. Astrology is not magic or a clairvoyant science. We have to answer in general terms when the questions are beyond potential evaluations.

    • #17292 Reply

      Sir good one.

      U are somewhat most sincere and true in ur comments.
      Thanks for showing me true picture.
      Another request can u provide planet residential strength for my chart its unique and sums up entire horoscope.
      So humble request please do answer

    • #17293 Reply

      The residential strengths alone would not suffice, the ultimate strength of the houses also have to be worked out as is detailed in my blog which will fully evaluate a horoscope and its success factor. For such calculations you will have to come through Paid services since it takes quite some time to evaluate and write up the report.

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