Further education questions

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    • #132498 Reply

      DoB : 06/September/1997
      Time of Birth : 7.33 AM
      Place : Kolkata

      Please let me know when will I able to get admission in some good college regarding my future education. I want to pursue masters degree and then get a job.

    • #132549 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Looking at your horoscope your lagan is Virgo and rashi is Libra, you are born under Chirta Nakshatra of Mars. 8th house of the horoscope is for higher studies, research, education. As Mars rules the 8th house and Moon is in the 2nd house of growth in the Mars nakshatra and conjoined with Mars. Jupiter mahadasha and antardasha of Mercury is going on, which means that you have good possibility of further studies going ahead. Just keep yourself focused and all will be fine.


      Navneet Khanna

      • #132553 Reply

        Thank you very much Sir!!! I promise if things get aligned in my life then I will donate to your website. This is really a great public service platform. Jai Bhavani 🙏🏼

    • #132586 Reply
      Johnathan Yodice

      I did not ask the same god-damned question – you miserable Indian bastards

    • #132587 Reply
      Johnathan Yodice

      I did not ask the same god-damned question – you miserable Indian bastards – you want baksheesh – go kiss your cow.

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