Gemstone Recommendation

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    • #122460 Reply

      D.O.B: 25/11/2000
      TIME : 15:51 ( 3:51 PM)

      Which gemstone is recommended for me ?

    • #122480 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      As per your birth chart your lagan is Aries, your Rashi is Scorpio and you are born under Anuradha nakshatra. As per your birth chart you can wear Moonga in Silver on your right hand ring finger. You can also wear Yellow Sapphire, which is expensive, or its substitute like Sunela.

      Stay blessed,

      Navneet Khanna

    • #132249 Reply

      Hello, I hope you can help me to answer my question.
      I have a question regarding time of wearing of sapphire ring.

      My husband was suggested to wear sapphire and emerald. He has bought both from a reputable wellknown seller where he also got his kundli checked, which gemstones is suitable for him.

      They said that my husband should wear the sapphire ring on a Saturday in the hora of Mercury. I’ve read a lot of articles where it is mentioned that it should be worn in the Saturn hora, within 1 hour after sunrise. My husband asked the seller if the Mercury hora (suggested by them) is correct. They said it is.

      I am however not convinced and very confused.
      Can someone explain why my husband is advised to wear it in the evening during Mercury hora on Saturday? Is this correct?

    • #132263 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Please provide the birth details of your husband and which sapphire you are referring to. Sapphire is a type of stone. There is Blue Sapphire, White Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire. Which sapphire is your husband been asked to wear, provide more details.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #134043 Reply
      P singh


      Can you please help me to choose gemstone?

      I tried all gem stones no luck in any field.job less no career at all.right now wearing Neelam but nothing good happened.

      D.O.B: 19 Dec 1972

      TIME : 17:42 ( 5:42 PM)

      PLACE : batala \ Punjab



    • #134049 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      As per your horoscope, Yours is Gemini Lagan, Taurus Rashi. Saturn rules the bhagyastana hence blue Sapphire can be worn life long. Saturn mahadasha is going on. Rahu in the 11th house with Jupiter which is 10th lord in your transit chart. The period till November will remain challenging on the work and money front. You will see improvement after November 2023. Stay focused on your work to reap long term benefits. Doing Shani upay every Saturdays will be helpful.


      Navneet Khanna


      • #134067 Reply
        P singh

        Thank you 🙏

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