Getting a Job

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      Name- Suman M

      Date of Birth- 31 st July 1982,

      Time of birth- 9: 12 PM (21:12)

      Place- Calcutta, West Bengal, India

      Sex- Male

      By profession, I am a scientist in oncology. I have finished my PhD and residency in the USA. I have been living in the USA for the last 14 years. I’ve been searching for a job for almost a year now. I am looking for a job in the USA pharmaceutical industry as a scientist. Recently, I applied to several positions, and in a couple of cases, I was very close—but the offer went to someone else at the last moment. These setbacks have been incredibly disheartening. Despite everything, I’m still trying, but I haven’t had any positive outcomes yet. It feels like I’m going through a difficult phase in my life. When will I finally land a good job? When will my career take a positive turn?

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