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Online Magazine on Vedic Astrology
Tagged: Ashtkoot Guna Milan, Guna Milan, marriage match
Pls.Check the Guna Milan, Mangalik , Kalsarp dosha check between the two.Will they have happy marriage life if go for marriage?
Male : 11.02.1980 – 11.45 pm – srilanka (unmarried)
female : 22.11.1982 – 9.50pm – chennai,india (divorcee with male child)
Pls. check for marriage match.
thank u
You will have to come through Paid services to do so much, casting of two horoscopes and matching compatibility.
Please read my article on this site on ‘Astrology-A New version’. Checking compatibility of horoscopes is not that easy like wayside astrologers do. We do a proper job. You will understand that if you go through the article.
Dear sir,
I am a divorcee looking for remarriage and have forwarded the profile come across me.If u check the basic compatibility for free and if there is minimum matching is there then I can come for paid services for detailed analysis.Since I am the only earner for my family with less income,I cannot come for premium services suddenly.so pls.help me this time.I would even happy if u say in one word answer matching or not matching.so plss
The two horoscopes match with an Outstanding grading with approximately 98% compatibility between the horoscopes. There are no Doshas at all.
Best of Luck.
Thank u.
Which month and year is favourable for the marriage to be fixed as per both the horoscopes?
Male : 14.02.1980 – 11.45 pm – Vavuniya,Sri lanka
Female: 22.11.1982 – 9.50 pm – chennai,India
Only one question per person please. You will have to come through paid services for answers to repeated questions.