hello sir, I am suffering from health problem..please tell me when will I get rid of from all the health problem and do you notice any major health problem in future or will it be okay?? my dob-9th dec 1992, tob-11.11am, place-baharampur, West Bengal.
You will be perfectly healthy by the time you are 32 years old. In the meantime there could be problems as you are experiencing now. What types of problems are you feeling related to health?
Your first, nineth and twelfth houses are weak. What these house imply can be understood by reading my article “Astrology – A new version” on this web site or on my blog navagrahastro.blogspot.in
There is an Ayurvedic medicine “Migracot” which is found to be useful for migraine attack. Try them since they are supposed to be having no side effect.