Why i have Health issues after marriage

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    • #153420 Reply

      DOB- 16 Nov,1992

      Time- 10:55 am

      Husband’s DOB: 11 July,1987

      Hello sir, I got married in 2017 and I started having health issues right after marriage. Please help. Is there some problem in our kundli? Why i have Health issues after marriage.  When will it get better. Thank you kindly.

    • #153429 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Madam Guest

      Please provide your place of birth also.

    • #153431 Reply

      Place of birth: Muktsar, Punjab

    • #153433 Reply
      JVS Rao


      There is no dosha in your chart. It is almost correct.

      In your chart, Saturn is sub lord of 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses. Saturn is in the star of Moon in 7th house. Saturn is in the sub of Mercury in 11th house aspected by Moon and Mars. Moon is in the star of Saturn. Moon progresses too fast and Saturn pulls down. Moon is the indicator of mind.

      So there would always be mental tensions in your life. Without delays and postponements you can not finish any task. It may be in your education or domestic front. There would be tensions from others with whom you deal.

      Now present dasa is of Venus which is upto 27-9-2040. In it Sun bhukti is upto 27-1-2025. Venus is in the star of Ketu and Ketu is in 6th house – health issues.  Venus is in 12th house – long distance travels, hospitals

      Sun bhukti is upto 27-1-2025. Sun is in 10th house and sun signifies 3rd and 9th house. In this Saturn antara is upto 15-9-2024. So in this period you have to visit hospitals in connection with some illness. Next antara is Mercury it is in 11th house. So you will have cure and be happy.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao


    • #153434 Reply

      Thank you so much!

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