Looking at the Ashtkoot guna milan the Guna milan is 12.5 out of 36 which is below 18 Guna that is considered minimum for marriage. There is 9-5 Bhakoot dosha and Adya Nadi dosha. Regarding Mangal dosha it is seen that in the birth chart of Boy horoscope Mars is placed in the eighth house from the lagna while in the Moon chart Mars is placed in fourth house from the Moon. Hence Boy is Mangalik from the Birth Chart and also Chandra Mangalik from the Moon Chart. Boy has strong manglik dosha.
In the birth chart of Girl Mars is placed in the fourth house from the lagna while in the Moon chart Mars is placed in second house from the Moon. Hence Girl is Mangalik from the Birth Chart and not Mangalik from the Moon Chart. In the Girls horoscope it is seen that she has no Mangal dosha due to the following reasons.
1. Mars is conjoined with Jupiter
2. Mars is lagnesh as Aries is the rising sign
In the Boys horoscope High Mangal dosha is there and does not get cancelled.
The matching is below average and astrologically the marriage is not recommended.
Navneet Khanna