House buying problem

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    • #137326 Reply

      Hello ,

      my birthday is 31 august 1982. I was born in ahmedabad , gujarat india at 9:18 am. Right now I. Am in usa and trying to buy my first house but things aren’t working out. Could you please guide me when I will be able to buy my first house.

      also I am in my curent job for last three years and thinking to change job.can you guide me when it will be good time to change job..


      thank you



    • #137335 Reply

      I will appreciate if someone can respond…


      thank you

    • #137345 Reply


      Given birth-details place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in Kanya/Virgo Rashi, with Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha being placed (in his Swasthana and Moola-Trikona) alongside. But then, presence of Saturn/Shani-dev would make life a bit of a drag… for he is neither happy nor comfortable and will be detrimental to related significance.

      Back to the query, Jupiter/Guru-dev is the 4th and current Maha-Dasha lord. He is placed in the 2nd house in Tula/Libra Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Swathi Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu. He is placed very close to Mrityu Bhaga and within the fatal Trimsamsa degrees. To make matters worse Ketu is placed in the 4th house, with below par Vimsopaka Bala and is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Purvashada Nakshatra, ruled by Venus/Shukra. Natural significator or Naisargika Karaka Mars/Kuja is not really a benefic for the birth-chart.

      So, it would perhaps make more sense to consider remedies as per your religious faith. In case you are a Hindu, you can consider offering special prayers to Lord Ganesha, with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong Sankalpa. On the sidelines, there is a pressing need for you to appease Mars/Kuja and  strengthen Jupiter/Guru-dev.

      Take care…

    • #137358 Reply

      Hello ,

      thank you for reply. Do you think my wife’s has good chances or together it can make difference.

      her birth date is : January 8, 1988

      birtn place : malad , mumbai , maharastra.
      Birth time: 6:30 pm

      I will do my best to achieve and will do pooja and regularly parting to our kuldevi.
      it’s difficult time for us without house as we are 6 people including parents and tremendous space crunch..

      please suggest when time change for us.

      thank you

    • #137370 Reply

      Please help me. !! Please guide me.

    • #137373 Reply


      In your wife’s case, Udaya Lagna is placed in Gemini/Mithuna Rashi. Lagna & 4th lord Mercury/Budha is placed in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana (Trials and Challenges).

      Similar to your case/birth-chart, Ketu is placed in the 4th house, with below par Vimsopaka Bala. Natural significator or Naisargika Karaka Mars/Kuja is well placed in his Swasthana in Scorpio/Vrischika Rashi. But then, he is a nasty Rogakaraka and not really a benefic for the birth-chart.

      As called out earlier, it would perhaps make more sense to consider remedies as per your religious faith. In case you guys are a Hindus, she can consider offering special prayers to Lord Ganesha, with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong Sankalpa. On the sidelines, there is a pressing need for you to appease Mars/Kuja. Incidentally, she at the fag end of Moon/Chanra Maha-Dasha and will start that of Mars/Kuja in the 2nd half of 2024.

      Take care…

    • #137402 Reply


      thank you for your reply. From this I understood our time isn’t going well and we should pray to lord Ganesha and get his blessing which would benefit to us in getting our wishes.
      If possible could you please guide me in simple language

      as your answer is very brief but I can’t decode all you have mentioned.

      • #137410 Reply


        It is not about time not going well… it is more about afflictions to related planets/Grahas.

        Take care…

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