How is my Married life according to my Horoscope

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    • #3787 Reply

      My dob is 11/09/1982 11:15 AM New Delhi , i had a arrange married and my wife died with in 9 months, this was in 2011. she committed suicide by hanging and i was put in a fake dowry case, i used to love her very much and she used to love me too but she always had a problem that she was addicted to sleeping pills cough syrup and alcohol, Sir please help me and advise if it was ought to happen? and if in future i should re marry a manglik girl only or shall i never marry because this incident has scared me to hell i will never want something to happen with anyone.

      Please tell me how is my Married life according to my Horoscope..



    • #3798 Reply

      I fully believe what you have written. It was not your nor your horoscope’s fault that she died. And you are not a Manglik at all since Mars is doing a powerful Ruchakayoga in your horoscope. You can definitely go ahead with remarriage preferably after 2019 since your Jupiter has a very poor residential strength (14%) and it is better to wait till the period end. Your marital house is also quite potent. In fact, you should have got married only after mid 2011. Should you be interested in a detailed scientific analysis of your horoscope, you can contact us through Paid Services.

    • #7336 Reply

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    • #7337 Reply

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