In the horoscope of your husband, his Lagan is Leo and Rashi (Moon sign) is Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign in which Moon is debilitated. Also your husband is running the period of Shani Ssde Satti which is never good. Sade Satti is the period when Saturn in transit moves over Natal Moon. The effects of Shani Sade satti are strongly felt when Moon is debilitated like in his case. He will not be able to focus on his work. Find satisfaction and stability in what he does. The Venus mahadasha is going on. The period after August 2018 is much better for career gains, however he should just focus on work. The possibility of job stability is not there till August 2018. However having said that he should use this period as an stepping stone to better days ahead. Work that he does now will help him get recognition and rewards later. Do not ignore small gains in anticipation of big rewards. Doing the remedies of Saturn will help him overcome challenges.